Sucralose: Examining the Pros and Cons of this Sugar-Free Sweetener

Science by HLTH Code Team

In the quest for improved health, many people turn to alternative sweeteners to reduce sugar consumption. Sucralose is a sugar substitute that has gained popularity due to its sweetness without the added calories. It has been the subject of numerous studies that have explored its safety. Splenda is one of the most popular brands that use sucralose. The sweetener is found in everything from beverages and chewing gum to commercial baked goods and more. 

Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of sucralose.

Positives of Sucralose:

1. Zero Calorie and Low Glycemic Index:

Sucralose is a non-nutritive sweetener, meaning it provides sweetness without the added calories found in sugar. It is ideal for individuals looking to manage their weight or reduce their calorie intake. Moreover, sucralose has a negligible impact on blood sugar levels due to its low glycemic index, making it suitable for people with diabetes, those eating a low carb or ketogenic diet, or those seeking to maintain stable blood sugar levels[1].

2. Intense Sweetness:

Sucralose is approximately 600 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar). This high level of sweetness allows for smaller quantities of sucralose to be used in comparison to sugar while still providing a similar taste sensation. As a result, it can contribute to reducing overall sugar intake, which is beneficial for individuals striving to decrease their sugar consumption[2].

3. Temperature Stable and Long Shelf Life:

One advantage of sucralose is its excellent stability under high temperatures. It does not break down or lose its sweetness when used in cooking or baking, making it suitable for a wide range of recipes. Additionally, sucralose has a long shelf life, making it a convenient option for food manufacturers and consumers alike[3].


Negatives of Sucralose:

1. Artificial Nature and Taste:

Sucralose is a chemically synthesized sweetener derived from sugar molecules through a complex process. Some individuals may have concerns about consuming an artificial product or may prefer the taste of natural sweeteners. Because taste preferences vary, some people find the taste of sucralose to be similar to sugar, while others may detect a difference [4].

2. Digestive Disturbances:

In some cases, the consumption of sucralose has been associated with digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea. However, it’s worth noting that individual tolerances can vary, and these symptoms are not experienced by everyone who consumes sucralose. If you have a sensitive digestive system, you may want to monitor your body’s response to this sweetener and adjust your intake accordingly[5].

3. Potential Impact on Gut Microbiota:

Emerging research suggests that sucralose consumption might alter the composition and function of the gut microbiota, which plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. Some animal studies have shown that sucralose can reduce the beneficial bacteria in the gut and affect glucose tolerance. However, more research is needed to fully understand the implications for human health [6,7].

4. Weight Management Challenges:

Although sucralose is marketed as a weight management tool due to its zero-calorie content, some studies indicate a possible link between artificial sweeteners, including sucralose, and weight gain. It’s hypothesized that the intense sweetness of sucralose may confuse the brain‘s reward system, leading to increased cravings and subsequent overeating of other calorie-dense foods. However, evidence is still limited and inconclusive [8,9].

5. Impact on Insulin Response:

Some studies suggest that sucralose consumption may lead to an increase in insulin levels, potentially affecting insulin sensitivity over time. While this effect is not as pronounced as with sugar consumption, individuals with diabetes or metabolic disorders should be cautious and monitor their blood sugar levels when using sucralose as a sugar substitute [10].

6. Impact on fat cells: 

While most of the sucralose you consume passes through by staying in the intestines (and then passing out), some of it is absorbed into the body. After this, some is further absorbed into fat cells. The full impact of sucralose on fat cells is unknown, but the results we do have suggest a generally negative impact. For example, sucralose has been found to increase oxidative stress in fat cells. [11] Furthermore, and more troubling, is that sucralose has the ability to activate the growth of new fat cells [12]!



Sucralose offers a number of potential upsides for those looking to control carbohydrates and limit sugar consumption. It’s common in keto and low carbohydrate diets. Individuals with specific dietary needs, such as those with diabetes, should consider whether sucralose is an appropriate sugar substitute. By understanding its pros and cons, you can decide if it can be a part of maintaining your healthy lifestyle



  1. Renwick, A. G., & Molinary, S. V. (2010). Sweet-taste receptors, low-energy sweeteners, glucose absorption, and insulin release. The British journal of nutrition, 104(10), 1415-1420.
  2. Roberts, A., Renwick, A. G., Sims, J., Snodin, D. J., & Fray, P. J. (2000). Sucralose metabolism and pharmacokinetics in man. Food and chemical toxicology, 38(Supplement 2), S31-S41.
  3. Kim, Y. S., Kim, H. Y., Kim, K. J., Park, K. Y., & Kim, D. S. (2014). Stability of sucralose in various food and beverage applications. Preventive nutrition and food science, 19(1), 67-73.
  4. Drewnowski, A., & Mennella, J. A. (2007). Artificial sweeteners and body weight: puzzles and paradoxes. Physiology & behavior, 91(3), 229-234.
  5. Abou-Donia, M. B., El-Masry, E. M., Abdel-Rahman, A. A., McLendon, R. E., & Schiffman, S. S. (2008). Splenda alters gut microflora and increases intestinal p-glycoprotein and cytochrome p-450 in male rats. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 71(21), 1415-1429.
  6. Bian, X., Chi, L., Gao, B., Tu, P., Ru, H., & Lu, K. (2017). The artificial sweetener acesulfame potassium affects the gut microbiome and body weight gain in CD-1 mice. PloS one, 12(6), e0178426.
  7. Uebanso, T., Ohnishi, A., Kitayama, R., Yoshimoto, A., Nakahashi, M., & Shimohata, T. (2017). Effects of low-dose non-caloric sweetener consumption on gut microbiota in mice. Nutrients, 9(6), 560.
  8. Suez, J., Korem, T., Zeevi, D., Zilberman-Schapira, G., Thaiss, C. A., Maza, O., … & Kuperman, Y. (2014). Artificial sweeteners induce glucose intolerance by altering the gut microbiota. Nature, 514(7521), 181-186.
  9. Fowler, S. P., Williams, K., Resendez, R. G., Hunt, K. J., Hazuda, H. P., & Stern, M. P. (2008). Fueling the obesity epidemic? Artificially sweetened beverage use and long-term weight gain. Obesity, 16(8), 1894-1900.
  10.  Pepino, M. Y., Tiemann, C. D., Patterson, B. W., Wice, B. M., & Klein, S. (2013). Sucralose affects glycemic and hormonal responses to an oral glucose load. Diabetes care, 36(9), 2530-2535.

This article is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not, nor is it intended to be substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.